I've been knitting since I was a child,
first taught by my Norwegian
grandmother, then I had more formal
instruction in grade school Home Ec class. Since then
I've learned many techniques from books,
formal classes at Stitches, TKGA, Midwest Masters, and many other conventions and
never been a knitter who wanted to follow written
patterns, preferring to do what was in my head. When other
knitters see something I've designed and knit, they usually ask
"Can you write that down for me?". So now I am doing just that.
Knitwear Designer:
I launched my
professional design business, Dawn's Dream Designs,
in 2002.
My Nationally published designs and articles:
Two of my
Nightie designs are now available in a
nationally published hardcover book by Sterling Publishers and
Rita Weiss/Creative Partners called
New Ideas for Today's Knitting.
Frills on the Side Scarf pattern published in the
2008 Knitting Pattern a Day Calendar, by Accord
Kate's Cape
pattern published in the
2007 Knitting Pattern a Day Calendar, by Accord
Julia's Hat, published in the
2006 Knitting-Pattern-A-Day Calendar, by Accord
Sure Fit Sampler Hat,
published in the
2005 Knitting Pattern-A-Day Calendar, by Accord
Publishing. Originally designed for teaching my
beginner knitting class as a learning project
Sweet and Simple
Swaddling Blanket, my specialty baby bunting
blanket pattern, published in the Winter 2003 issue
INKnitters Magazine (Issue #11).
Stitch Pattern Play Primer, my article about
adapting stitch patterns for more options, also
featured in the Winter 2003 issue of
INKnitters Magazine, along with my bunting
blanket, above, and slippers, below.
Hot Pockets Felted
Slippers, my design and my
Guild's Knit 'N Share project article are also
featured in the same issue of
Winter 2003. (Designer and Project Chairperson)
Shapely Secrets Socks,
my design published in the Fall 2003 issue of
Dawn Brocco's Heels and Toes Gazette, showing my
little tricks of shaping stockinette stitch socks
for a better, snugger fit to hug your legs and your
ankles, but without interrupting the stitch pattern
of the self-patterning sock yarns.
Popcorn Lace Rib socks,
my design published in the national knitting
magazine Cast On, published by
Knitting Guild of America, Fall Accessories
Issue, 2002.
I have shared some of my small project patterns online,
as my way of giving back to the wonderful online
knitting community. Please browse through them:
Free Patterns Page . |

I am also a
professional knitting instructor. I teach both beginner
and more advanced knitting classes in the northwest suburban Chicagoland area, as well
as giving lessons as requested for my
(see below for guild info).
For Information on
my classes offered at Hobby Lobby,
Click Here.
Feel free to
contact me for information on classes, or if your knitting
group in the Chicagoland area is looking for an instructor for
various topics. I'd be happy to travel to other guilds or shops
in the area to conduct workshops.
Knitting Awards:
My knitting awards
include 2 Wisconsin State Fair first place Blue ribbons, plus a
Blue Best of Show, for my original sock designs (2001
2002); plus a second place Red ribbon for my original design
Knotted and Baby Cabled mohair blend pullover (2002). I
stopped entering fairs after this, to concentrate more on my
designing and teaching business.
Knitting Guild
I started my
local knitting guild in the fall of 1999 in Northern Illinois,
since I didn't know any other knitters locally,
but hoped they were out there somewhere. Indeed,
they were! We've been together and
growing rapidly ever since. I maintain our guild website
with info here:
Purls of McHenry County.
I also became a
spinner in 2001, and I'm enjoying learning this fibercraft and
making handspun yarn on any of my four spinning wheels from
natural fibers for my knitting use. Pictures of my wheels and
some of my skeins are on my
Spinning page, with updates as I have time to spin more
Online Knitting
Find me on Ravelry:
I began my online knitting life as a member of the
Ample Knitters,
Knit Design, and the
SpinList email lists
(among many others), that helped me expand my knitting
knowledge, and make many new knitting friends!
I met my best Knit
Buddy, Barbara (on right, below), from the KnitList in 1998. I
finally got to meet her in person on a joint family trip in
2002, (plus we've enjoyed other fun trips together after). Here we are in the back of her van, knitting in hand, of